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The Earth has recently been enveloped in a spiritual serum that will permeate all living things on this planet from humans to water, to air, to grass, to fish to rocks. All things with a frequency vibration will be affected. The spiritual serum is contained within a virus. It is important to understand that the Divine Source created this moment in time. The virus is a vehicle for all humans and creatures to reach their maximum enlightenment birth goals and beyond.

The spiritual shift on the planet will be vast, and it is creating a New Paradigm for new entering souls to achieve an accelerated level of spirituality. The babies of the future will have a new spiritual enlightenment and awareness that is unlike the current Humans. They will not only be at a higher dimension, but they will be far more environmentally aware. Hurting the planet will physically hurt them. They will be far more connected to the Divine Source and communicate efficiently. This New Paradigm will allow humans to vibrate at a new frequency to download the new incoming data at a higher rate. The frequency will create vibrations in utero so that incoming souls of all species will advance quickly. Species will assimilate the frequency very well. The new higher frequency that will permeate this planet is profoundly healing for all energy vibrations. Harmony will prevail on this planet as we go forward in the New Paradigm.

 You can divide humanity into three groups:

Group 1 will remain on this planet at this point of personal enlightenment for the remainder of their days. They will remain alive, but will not shift spiritually in the new paradigm. They will remain as helpers for those that have elected to cracked their DNA. The Souls associated with the New Paradigm will need medical assistance to support them while their bodies begin to change and heal. All of these decisions will be made on a universal plane of consciousness, not in the mind.

Group 2 are the key Souls that accept this awareness and allow their DNA to be cracked wide open so that the New Paradigm advanced frequency can be acquired directly into their DNA to the correct depth for each individual. This epic transformation will convert these Souls so that they can achieve the maximum metamorphosis that is required to complete the paradigm. Your sense of self and level of spirituality is forever changed. The cracking of the DNA will facilitate the spiritual shift on the planet and create a new paradigm for new entering souls to achieve an accelerated level of spirituality. This planet is filled with Souls that have been drawn to this moment in time to experience this Divine shift that will change every single aspect of divinity as we know it. The population has exploded over time so that the maximum number of Souls can experience the new Paradigm shift.

Group 3 has decided that they do not want to be part of the New Paradigm frequency shift and will depart this Earth through death, using this virus as their opportunity and vehicle to leave. Those that die will be part of the workers on the other side. They will assist in receiving the incoming Souls onto the Divine side.

All the decisions about which role will be played will be made on the universal plane of consciousness, not in your mind. You will not be aware of which group you will be joined into. Each Soul has a role to play in this epic paradigm, and all roles are valued, need, and should be respected.

The frequency of the Earth will intrinsically change; this new paradigm will allow Humans and all frequency things to vibrate at a new higher frequency to facilitate the downloading of the new incoming data, which will be coming at a higher frequency rate. As new ideas are introduced to this planet (through the offspring of the group of Souls that have had their DNA cracked), prodigies will arrive daily, spiritual growth and development will amplify and aggregate as friends are drawn together to share and reap the growth opportunities. Synergy will permeate Souls and the planet. It is going to be an exciting time.

The New Paradigm frequency shift is vast and all-new entering souls will be born with the new frequency and it will be enhanced in utero to achieve an accelerated level of spirituality. The babies of the future will have a spiritual enlightenment and awareness that is unlike the current Humans. They will not only be at a higher dimension, but they will be far more environmentally aware. Hurting the planet will physically hurt them. They will be far more connected to the Divine Source and communicate easily. This will allow humans to vibrate at a new frequency to download the new incoming data at a higher rate. The frequency will create vibrations in utero so that incoming souls of all species will advance quickly. Species will assimilate the frequency very well. The new higher frequency that will permeate this planet is profoundly healing for all energy vibrations. Harmony will prevail on this planet as we go forward in the New Paradigm.

Nothing will be the same. Not here. Not on the other side. Not throughout the planets. Not through the galaxies. This frequency shift wave began reverberating beyond our universe, beyond our solar system, beyond any star chart known approximately 18 months ago. It began in the extremely vast outer cosmos.  There are species that have been evolving hundreds of billions of years. They have no physicality; they are sheer energy. The vast galaxies that they rule are residing deep within black holes. Humans are aware of these by light and energy that leaks out and is now detected. You do not understand this energy and question its existence. But, I assure you it is vast and the spiritual depth defies understanding. The Divine Source generated this wave of spiritual change to cause all things, all planets, galaxies, star systems to all shift to a higher dimension. For this infant planet, a virus was the easiest vehicle that will be completely acquired by your immune systems. It will envelop your entire body down to your cells, DNA, everything. It will be absorbed effortlessly, and the change will begin. It will not happen at once; it will grow over time. The New Paradigm is designed to change EVERYTHING your mind can imagine.

This is also why I, Clovistia, am here. I am a 12th dimension entity. I have been waiting for thousands of years of time. Those of us, on the other side, knew this was coming. We have been waiting. I will be sharing more about the New Paradigm as time goes by, and humanity needs it.

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