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For reasons I don’t fully understand, I have been charged with imparting the wisdom, through channeling, of my 12th dimensional star-self named Clovistia. I am not sure where this journey will take any of us, I only know that it must be made available to the universal consciousness. As my journey begins, you are welcome to join me . . .

Clovistia first came into my life as a persistent fleeting thought. I know that seems like an oxymoron, and in fact maybe she is, certainly she is an enigma.  But, I was first aware of her as a glimpse of color, or a word out of place or stars that seemed to move or an awkward awareness, I cannot put my finger on it exactly.

But, it was there, it was repeated, it was persistent and I had to take notice. Gradually, as I became more comfortable, I became aware of her. Like walking into a room and knowing someone was in there already, that feeling of presence was so strong.

Gradually her name began to come to me. Sometimes in dreams or daydreams or while sitting in traffic when your mind drifts.  A bit of letters here and there. But, one day I just simply said, “Who or what the heck are you?”  I just had to know.

Suddenly her name began to come into my mind, like an old typewriter clicking a key at a time. C, CL, CLO, CLOVI, CLOVISTIA. There it was and then silence. I immediately went to do a google search and was shocked to discover that her name did not exist back then. There were no search results and I was so surprised.

I mumble her name throughout the following day. Like an ear worm with a song in my head, but it was her name. CLOVISTIA. That first night when I went to sleep I slept so soundly and when I awoke her name was right in front of my mind, like it was typed into the air in the room in front of my eyes. I thought of her name and it felt very comforting. Over time I began to be more and more comfortable with her. 

I began to ask her questions, but the answer just didn’t seem to fit into my mind, like the knowledge from Heaven during my death experience that no longer fit into my human mind.

But, over a few months I developed a comfortable relationship with her guiding my thoughts, sometimes giving me the answers ahead of time, or speaking before I could get it all organized in my mind. I became comfortable with her answers, which were much more insightful than mine. 

One night during a dream God came to visit me. We walked beside a sparkling brook that made little tinkling sounds that felt so soothing to my heart and soul. It reminded me of Heaven. I recognized God immediately from my death experience. His frequency is undeniable and I had missed that feeling of God.

God gently asked me if I felt comfortable with her in my life and I gave a resounding “YES,” my life was indeed better with her in it. But, I had, at times, had some problems understanding what she wanted to say or remembering what she said, and I told him this. 

God asked me if I would be willing to record and channel her words, straight from her mind to paper to share her words. I thought about it a few moments, and replied “Yes, of course”. Every morning I wake up and hold my life in my out stretched hands, and I let God know that I am here to do his work, and he only needs to show me and I will try to make it happen. This seemed like an extension of that idea, after all.

So, here we are. I am anxious and excited to be part of this wonderful journey, to be aware of my Star-Self, to step into unchartered territory, to be part of something much bigger than me and to share exciting information. I invite you to join my journey.